Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Where Is America In Bible Prophecy?

If you are like me, you want to know if America is prophecied in the Bible.  Of course there are plenty of conjectures out there, but what do you think?   Below are a few opinions that you may or may not agree with.  Read the articles below and watch the video and find out for yourself.

Jonathan Cahn: 'End of Christian America' is here - Sun, 05 Jul 2015 22:15:23 GMT

WND.comJonathan Cahn: 'End of Christian America' is'The warnings that believers will be persecuted didn't come this time from students of biblical prophecy but from every single one of the dissenting Supreme Court justices,' he said. 'The ...

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Is America Mentioned in Bible Prophecy? - White Horse Media Sun, 20 Feb 2011 21:03:45 -0800

In spite of America's housing market meltdown, dismal unemployment rate, rapidly declining currency, and trillion-dollar deficit, what happens in Washington DC still affects the globe. Recent setbacks aside, the United States of America yet ...

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Tweet The Subject


Tue Jul 28 11:57:32 +0000 2015

Have You Ever Wondered Why America Is Not Listed Among The Nations In Bible Prophecy? via @NowTheEndBegins

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John Simons

Tue Jul 28 12:17:21 +0000 2015

Grant Jeffrey Where Is America In Bible Prophecy Bible Prophecy Revealed: на @YouTube

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Wed Jul 29 18:39:27 +0000 2015

America in Bible Prophecy - Shit Hits the Fan! via @youtube

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bible Prophecy In America

.Bill Salus - The Future of America in Bible Prophecy - Ezekiel 38-39 - 11-06-11-.wmv
People want to know....Where is America in God's Prophetic plan concerning the End Time scenario as outlined in the Prophecies of Scripture. Is it really possible that America, the greatest superpower in world history, is absent from the world's stage as events that lead up the return of Jesus Christ unfold daily before our eyes.

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Study: American Evangelicals Stand Behind Israel - Charisma News Mon, 27 Jul 2015 10:02:05 GMT
Charisma NewsStudy: American Evangelicals Stand Behind IsraelCharisma NewsAbout 7 in 10 (69 percent) say the modern nation of Israel was formed as result of biblical prophecy. A similar number (70 percent) say God has a special relationship with the ...
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Jonathan Cahn: 'End of Christian America' is here - Sun, 05 Jul 2015 22:15:23 GMT
WND.comJonathan Cahn: 'End of Christian America' is'The warnings that believers will be persecuted didn't come this time from students of biblical prophecy but from every single one of the dissenting Supreme Court justices,' he said. 'The ...
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Sunday, July 26, 2015

When Is The Next Blood Moon...

"Blood Moon" Get Your Attention? It got mine.  I have become fascinated with these blood moon prophecies, so I decided to do a little series on all the information I can find about the blood moon prophecies.   Click Here to read the 1st article on the Blood Moons.  I will try not to over kill this topi, but you will know all about blood moons when you finish this series.  Have fun. 

 I know that God shows his handy work in the heavens.  Scripture tells us that a lot of the signs of the end of days will be shown in the heavens.  Our moon is part of that heavens, so maybe there is something to it.

You decide for yourself.  Check out this article about the 4th blood moon coming on September 28th 2015.

Prophets warn 'Blood Moon' THIS September will bring ... Mon, 15 Jun 2015 07:07:00 -0700
Two Christian preachers with huge followings in the US claim the date of the last of four 'blood moons' over the past 18 months, due to occur on September 28, and following a papal visit to the US, will signal the second ...
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Here is another article explaining the four blood moons and the September 2015 Lunar Eclipse, and what it will mean to you.

End times news update Eclipse Lunar September 28th 2015 Super Moon 4th Blood Moon

Breaking News!

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blood Moon Prophecy Update...

lunar eclipse, moon, spaceThe Blood Moon Prophecies have captivated Christians for years.  Learn all you need to know  of what the blood moon is and what they mean to you.
Photo: Fred Espenak/NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Prophets warn 'Blood Moon' THIS September will bring ... Mon, 15 Jun 2015 07:07:00 -0700
Two Christian preachers with huge followings in the US claim the date of the last of four 'blood moons' over the past 18 months, due to occur on September 28, and following a papal visit to the US, will signal the second ...
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Video reveals "Blood Moon" prophecies for 2015

Blood Moons In Biblical Prophecy Incredible Year Ahead In 2015! Part 1

The coming 2014-2015 Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad is Unstoppable, Phenomenal, and absolutely Unprecedented, like no other of the seven previous ones in world history can match.

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The fullfillment Old Testiment Prophecy...

Bible prophecy comes into it's own when we see it fullfilled in our life time.  Read below to discover 'Proof' of bible prophecy fullilled.

Old Testament prophecy about Jesus' death fulfilled - Your Houston News Mon, 06 Apr 2015 16:19:59 GMT
Your Houston NewsOld Testament prophecy about Jesus' death fulfilledYour Houston NewsCrucifixion by death was for murderers and thieves; but for a Jewish man named Jesus, who claimed to be the Messiah, it was the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus' death was ...
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Jews and Christians marching toward Middle East Armageddon - Communities Digital News Mon, 20 Jul 2015 17:40:55 GMT
Communities Digital NewsJews and Christians marching toward Middle East ArmageddonCommunities Digital News... as being anti-Semitic. Israel began as a secular state, the nation barely reflects the beautiful national aspirations of the scriptures, and ...
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The Messiah - Prophecy Fulfilled From the Bilble
This Is An AWESOME Movie That Shows The Foreshdowing From The Old Testament Of Jesus Christ Which Was Revealed In In The New, Rabbi Juda In This Movie At The Time Was One Of 500 Witnesses That Witnessed The Resurrection Of Christ Jesus, And This Movie Shows The Passover As A Prophecy Fulfilled Through Jesus Christ. ENJOY. IN JESUS NAME.......AMEN !

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Israel In Bible Prophecy...

Find out how Israel walks hand in hand with Bible Prophecy.  Get up to date information alerts about Israel in bible prophecy by bookmarking this blog.
Modern Israel in Bible Prophecy | Bread Of Life Tue, 23 Jun 2015 00:00:32 -0700
Uploaded on Jun 21, 2010 Many Bible prophecy teachers and writers believe and teach that Israel becoming a nation in 1948 is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The revival of the Hebrew language is often taught as a fulfillment ...
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Nation of Israel in Last Days Bible Prophecy – End Time Wars Tue, 23 Jun 2015 00:30:32 -0700
Published on Dec 12, 2013 Upload by permission of ChristInProphecy Lamb & Lion Ministries Letter to Those Left Behind After The Rapture of The Church ...
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Just look at Israel if you do not believe in Bible prophecy. Israel is also God`s timeline and we can see the return of Jesus is imminent as prophecy`s toward Israel are being fulfilled.

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